a woman sitting on a yellow chair in front of a rack of clothes.
a woman sitting on a yellow chair in front of a rack of clothes.

How To Become A Personal Stylist: The Top Strategies You Need to Know

Being a personal stylist is an exciting career choice. As a personal stylist, you’ll work with clients to help them develop their own sense of personal style and create outfits they love while staying within their budget and tastes. But what does it take to become a personal stylist? If this sounds like something you want to do, read on for the top things you need to know about becoming a personal stylist.

Personal stylists are also called image consultants or image advisors. Similar roles include being a visual consultant, image consultant, style advisor, or fashion advisor. These careers all involve advising clients on how to look their best through clothing and accessories. Personal stylists have specialty areas such as working with TV personalities, red carpet events, or specific types of clients such as teens or business executives.

Some specialize in different types of clothing such as garments for women or men; there are even niche fields such as workplace attire specialists who assist individuals in finding clothes for the office that flatter them and meet company dress code standards. Where your interests lie will determine which type of personal stylist you can become.

What is a personal stylist?

A personal stylist is a professional who provides styling services for clients. Styling services can include helping clients create outfits, accessorizing outfits, shopping for clothing, and organizing clients’ clothing. Some personal stylists also offer services such as wardrobe planning, styling for photo shoots and red carpet events, and advice for dressing for certain situations, such as business attire.

Personal stylists help people select clothing that reflects their personality and makes them feel good. They also help clients make sure their clothes are appropriate for the occasion and their budget. Sometimes personal stylists work with clients to find new brands that fit their style. Personal stylists can work with anyone, but they’re often hired by people who are in the public eye.

How to become a personal stylist

There are different routes to becoming a personal stylist. If you want to work in fashion retail you may want to start by working in a clothing shop. If you want to focus on image consulting you can take courses in fashion or design. For those who want to work with celebrities, you may want to focus on public relations or media relations.

To become a personal stylist, you’ll need to have an interest in fashion and people. You’ll have to have a keen understanding of the latest styles and trends and how clothing works with the human body. You’ll also need to be organized and have excellent communication skills. You’ll be working with clients one-on-one, so you’ll need to be a good listener, able to help clients see what might be best for them and why, and be patient as they take in new information and put it to use.

Where to learn how to be a personal stylist

If you want to learn how to become a personal stylist, you’ll want to consider earning an education in the field. You can learn how to become a personal stylist at colleges and universities that offer fashion-related degrees. You can also find fashion and retail-related degree programs that include courses in clothing and image management. Other schools offer fashion and design-related certificate programs. If you want to work in celebrity image management, you can find schools that offer degree programs in either fashion design or public relations.

You can also learn how to become a personal stylist by reading books and online articles about fashion and image management. You can join online discussions about fashion and image management to get your feet wet in the field.

Get an internship or entry-level job with a stylist

If you want to learn how to become a personal stylist and can’t find a paying job in the field, you might want to consider getting an entry-level job with a fashion stylist. You can use this job to build your skills and network with people in the industry. You can also use your entry-level job as a springboard to learn how to become a personal stylist by offering your styling services on the side. You can do this while you’re working your job and gaining valuable experience. You can offer your services to friends and family, or you can post your services online.

While you’re styling others, you can use the skills you’re learning and apply them to yourself. You can build your own portfolio and use the images to show potential clients what you can do for them and how they can benefit from your services.

Build your portfolio

One way you can get your foot in the door and show potential employers that you’re ready to become a personal stylist is by building your personal portfolio. In your portfolio, you should have a variety of images that show your strengths and the areas in which you want to work.

You should include images of the outfits you’ve styled for friends and family, photos of the outfits you would put together for different types of occasions, and images of the outfits you’ve styled for others such as celebrities or models. You may even want to include images of the outfits you would wear if you were the client. You may want to consider building your portfolio on a website, so potential employers can easily access your work.

If you have an online portfolio, make sure you have a link to it on your resume so employers can access your work easily. If you don’t have a website, you can also print out your images and include them in your resume as visual examples of your work.

Become an independent stylist

If you want to become an independent stylist, you’ll want to build your network and find clients who trust your work. You can do this by networking with people in your field and offering your services to friends and family who need help with their wardrobe. You can also offer your services to people who work in the public eye such as actors, musicians, speakers, or other people who regularly require image advice. You may also want to consider offering your services to businesses that want their employees to look their best but don’t have the budget for a full-time image consultant.

Once you have a few clients and they’re happy with your work, you can let them know you’re available for more business. You can also reach out to businesses and offer your services if you see that their employees need help with their image. You can do this by networking at industry events. Once you’ve established yourself as an independent stylist, you can even offer your services to people who don’t know you.


There are many benefits to being a personal stylist. You can help people find clothes they love and feel good in. You can help people stay within their budget and look their best. You can work from home or on the road, which gives you the flexibility to work around other obligations. You can use your creativity to help people look their best. You can make a difference in people’s lives by helping them look and feel their best.

For ways to earn more as a personal stylist, check out our partnership opportunities on the RE.STATEMENT marketplace.


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